
Guiding injured athletes through knee rehab with a wearable, app, and AI assistant

Phone App UI, Wearable Tester (did not test on others due to COVID)

Armel PatanianKatie Zhang, Sara Pope, & Andrew Hemnes

Miro, Figma, Fusion 360, Zoom, Slack

March - June 2020



How might we help athletes rehabilitate knee injuries while quarantining at home and staying in shape?

When the pandemic hit, several classmates and I used the extra time at home to up our fitness regimens. It didn’t take long before we collectively experienced an onslaught of stress-induced injuries - tightened backs, shin splints, and aching knees. We funneled our frustrations into Nina - an AI-enabled wearable to help quarantining athletes stay in shape while managing and healing knee pain. This project was completed entirely through virtual meetings.


Studies of the Self

We observed and documented our own exercise habits and injuries over the course of a week. Two of us experienced knee pain while running for the first time in a while. Collectively, we ran, surfed, lifted weights, stretched, hiked, practiced yoga, and walked our dogs.

According to, the most common injuries which require PT are 1) pulled muscles and 2) runner’s knee. Since we wanted to design a wearable for a specific body part, we decided to focus the remainder of the project on a knee device.



Domain Expert Interview

Since we completed this project during quarantine (March - June 2020), our in-person research capabilities were limited. However, we learned about PT office responses to COVID from a phone interview with Linda, a receptionist at Rehab 1 Physical Therapy in St. Louis, Missouri. Rehab 1’s clientele dropped by around 75% during quarantine, so the office started 2 varieties of “telehelp appointments” - video chats or audio calls. Since many of Rehab1’s patients are elderly, they often waste the first 30-40 minutes of their appointments trying to set up the necessary technology. Apart from Zoom struggles, Linda reported that "At-home PT is surprisingly effective - almost all exercises can be completed with structures found around the house, like walls and doorjams."

Existing Technology


We also researched existing biometric wearables. SmartKnee uses a gyroscope-enabled cord to send a constant stream of knee angle data to physical therapists. Reflexion Health uses an engaging avatar named Vera and 3D capture sensors to monitor at-home exercise habits. Mio Sensors are lightweight, non obtrusive, Bluetooth-powered sensors that can precisely measure limb angles. Several posture wearable brands adhere to skin and vibrate whenever wearers start to slouch. DorsaVi Wearable Technology assists physical therapists by analyzing patients’ movement patterns at 200 frames per second. Some lightweight, washable, and comfy smart fabrics can help patients recuperate. Sensorimotor-enabled biometric robots can also help patients by learning about them through continued interaction.

Of these existing technologies, a few ideas stood out. We decided to implement similar gyroscopic sensors as SmartKnee due to their flexibility and unobtrusiveness. For data redundancy, we decided to add GMR (giant magnetoresistance) analog sensor chips, which can calculate distance (and therefore knee angle) based on the the field between two magnets. We also liked the idea of marking pain with some sort of dial feedback mechanism. Inspired by Reflexion Health’s Vera, we personified our smart knee brace with a slightly punny name - Nina.



Cadence Irving

Age: 25

Work: Accountant

Family: Unmarried, close to her younger siblings

Location: San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles

Character: Responsible, optimistic, go-getter, competitive, active swimmer

Frustrations: knee pain + closures of gym, pool, and PT office due to Covid



Since the COVID-19 pandemic caused gyms to shut down, Cadence could no longer swim or lifeguard. She turned to running to keep up her fitness. After ordering a new arm-band and pair of leggings online, Cadence was feeling optimistic and even a little bit excited for this new phase of her fitness journey. However, after one week of running daily she began to experience joint pain in her knees. How can she continue to exercise without further injuring herself? How can she heal this injury so that it doesn’t become permanent?


User Flow

With Cadence’s goals of rehabilitation and knowledgeable advice in mind, we created a user flow for our wearable - app system.

​Simply put, users would:

  1. Buy the wearable

  2. Download the app

  3. Connect the wearable & app

  4. Choose to use Nina or a real, human physical therapist (we later removed the PT feature to narrow project scope)

  5. Follow along with smartly recommended exercises

  6. Record and analyze pain events

  7. View a personalized recovery timeline

App Design


The app has three main capabilities:

  1. Algorithm-based Exercise Suggestions

  2. Statistics of Pain Events / Knee Flexion

  3. GPS Run Tracking

The side nav’s pain scale lets users log discomfort in-app instead of reaching to tap the knee wearable.



Side Nav + Pain Log


Suggested Exercises

Run Tracking

Wearable Design

Our device has clips to attach to existing knee braces. The white strip on the longer portion of the wearable can be swiped by a finger to rate extent of pain and send a report to the Nina app. Sensors embedded in the wearable constantly measure knee angle, so app users can cross-examine pain events with knee flexion.

Low - Fidelity Mockups

By measuring the field strength between two magnets (one above the knee, one below the knee), we can constantly measure knee flexion.

Strapping In At first, we thought athletes could attach the device through two straps.

Strapping In
At first, we thought athletes could attach the device through two straps.

Packaging The device would arrive with instructions and a unique code to pair with the app.

The device would arrive with instructions and a unique code to pair with the app.

A Test Run

I tested our primary mockup by trying it on for a run. Turns out, straps weren’t sufficient to hold the wearable in place (see the image on the right), so we moved toward compression sleeves for future iterations.

On this run, we also tried out the Nike Run Club app, which influenced our GPS Go UX design.



Questions to Answer with Future Testing

  • Can our device detect knee flexion with the precision required to cross-analyze against pain events?

  • Beyond degree of flexion, what other factors contribute to knee pain? How might our device track these (such as speed, force, and sudden movement)?

  • What is the most intuitive and accurate way for users to report knee pain? Does a slideable scale from yellow to red make sense?

  • Do people trust algorithmically-suggested exercise videos to carry out the typical role of a physical therapist?


Call of Duty Companion App

